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Markdown Snippets

Including other Markdown files in Markdown

You can include other Markdown files in a Markdown file by making use of the import statement & MDX.

Quick Start

Create a snippet

First, we will create a snippet called snippet.mdx that we will import into another Markdown file.

### Hello world
This is my snippet.

Import the snippet

Next, we will import the snippet into our MDX file using an import statement. It compiles to a React component, so we can render it with <Snippet />.

import Snippet from './snippet.mdx'
# Example
This is an example of including a snippet in a Markdown file.
<Snippet />


The resulting output will look like this:


This is an example of including a snippet in a Markdown file.

Hello world

This is my snippet.

Tip: Passing Props

As we are just rendering a React component, we can also pass props to <Snippet />. We can access those props in the MDX file with the props global variable.

import Snippet from './snippet.mdx'
# Example
This is an example of including a snippet in a Markdown file.
<Snippet title="Hello world" content="This is my snippet." />